On May 22, 2021, a scientific and practical conference "Transgenerational transmission of trauma as a focus of psychotherapeutic work" was held at the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis (which is a non-state educational private institution).
Mikhail Isaev, Deputy Director of the Institute for Scientific Work, addressed the participants and organizers with an introductory speech, designating the Conference as an opening event of the Institute's 30th anniversary celebration.
Elena Spirkina, the director of the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis, opened the conference.
Mrs. Spirkina congratulated everyone on the start of the Conference and marked the relevance of the Conference topic. She also thanked Svetlana Bimbat, the conference organizer and teacher at the Institute: Svetlana has been working on the topic of trauma transmission for many years and conducts hew own course of seminars. Thanks to this consistent activity, it became possible to organize this Conference.
Responding to Elena Spirkina's speech, Mrs. Bimbat spoke about the ways to develop the study of the phenomenon of trauma transmission, and then presented the speakers.
The first presentation was "Pure pointlessness of non-existence: splitting as the main mechanism of coping with transgenerational trauma" by Valery Naumov, a teacher at the Institute (IPPiP), a clinical psychologist, a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, a psychologist of the project "Psychology of Care" of the social and volunteer center of the GULAG History State Museum. The discussion was moderated by Gennady Kuzmenok, a teacher at the Institute (IPPiP), PhD in Medical Sciences, full member and chairman of the "Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Patients receiving Combined Treatment" group of the Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. |
Then Alexey Fomkin, a psychologist, PhD in psychology, associate professor, member of the Russian Society for Genealogy made a presentation "Psychogenealogy as a way of understanding one's belonging to a country, genus, and family". Svetlana Bimbat moderated the discussion. |
The conference ended with the presentation "The impact of family and personal history factors on the formation, development and resolution of family conflicts" by Tatyana Mitrikas, a teacher at the Institute (IPPiP), a member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League, a member of the Creative Union of Professional Artists.
Konstantin Yagnyuk, a teacher of the IPPiP, the editor-in-chief of the online Journal of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis, a full member of the Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and the Society of Psychoanalytic Couples and Family Psychotherapists, led the discussion.
This presentation concluded the main part of the event. At the end of the Conference, a lively discussion took place. All three reports evoked emotional responses of the audience that was present both online and in the hall. During the discussion, many questions were asked on this topic, which allowed us to continue the dialogue within the framework of the Conference.
We thank the organizers and participants of the scientific and practical conference "Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma as a Focus of Psychotherapeutic Work" and invite you to the Conference of the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis that is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Institute and will take place in December 2021.